Thursday, November 4

Let's try this again...

Three months! Ninety days! (Give or take). Since the last published post...
Where have I been.
Here is to my new strict vow to post at least once a week.
I certainly have had time to get enough inspiration for tons of entries.

We'll start with my day:

It's November 4.
While we valley dwellers should be enjoying ourselves in the fall weather that includes 60-70ish temperatures and falling leaves, we get almost 90 degrees with a huge heap of sunshine.
Tisk, despite the warm conditions, I could not help but wear these cozy shoes and heat retaining, err, black pants.

My absolute favorite shade of gray.

After classes, I set out with a friend to take a peak at the new Cityscape making its debut later this weekend.  Just a few blocks away from school, an Urban Outfitters, a quaint little cafĂ©/grocery, a bowling alley, and a new place to escape will be here in time for winter.

Then I decided to do some people watching on the way back and sit in the shade where there was a surprisingly cool breeze.
I couldn't help but getting a photo of the popular installation at Civic Space Park...

I really hope to form this blog space into something great, something reflective and something to share.
End of the week already!
Can't wait for the coming weekend, dinner with Edwin's family, perhaps a museum, and catching up with my best friends.

:) Diana

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