Sunday, February 20

vintage polaroid


So excited to finally share my newest addition to my collection of gadgets (and vintage goods for that matter!)
I used this beautiful vintage Polaroid Sx-70 for an early Valentine's Day breakfast with Edwin last weekend, snapshots of the polaroids we took shall come soon!

Edwin got this camera for me for Christmas a few months ago, and Valentine's Day I was finally able to take it out on the town :)


After asking him enough times, he revealed that he found it in a little antique shop in downtown Glendale, AZ. It came with a lovely (and original) leather Polaroid bag! Stocked with a macro lens, flash, flash diffuser, and an accessories holder.
He know's me so well, and remembered that I have been wanting some sort of instant



Part of the reason why it took me so long to finally use my new camera, is because film is very hard to come by and is usually pretty expensive. But luckily I finally found some beautiful new film by a company named The Impossible Project. The prints so far have come out great, and I can't wait to share more with you!
Here's some sample prints of the film I bought from Impossible's website:



The shades of color are so lush and pretty, definitely excited to get another set of film!


Did I also mention that it's a collapse-able camera?!
Love it.

Do you like taking photos?
What kinds of cameras make you weak in the knees?

Friday, February 4

Attack of the 8-month-old dog (breakfast date take two).

Although Edwin and I did eat a yummy breakfast this particular morning at Hob Nobs, we ate so fast and I completely forgot to take photos of our food.
Afterward, we decided to sit and enjoy the breezy weather in a small park near my school in downtown Phoenix.


Side note: I am so in love with my new Fjallraven backpack, it fits everything I could possibly need without being bulky.

While we were sitting talking, and playing with leaves, an 8-month-old golden retriever by the name of Conan ran over to us and nearly tackled us in the grass!
He was so cute and friendly, it definitely made us feel special, lol.

We love sitting here in this small park near some quite adorable apartments. (Check out another day we were in Roosevelt Square here).




Oh yeah, and I cut my hair last weekend, it's pretty short and definitely different.
But I think it's fun now that I have gotten the hang of styling it... This morning I just left it straight-ish, but now I like to curl it with an iron.
I find curling it slightly "curlier" than I would usually like works best with it being so short.


The weather here this past week has been unseasonably cold, only about 50 degrees during the day!
Such a drastic change from last couple of weeks, when the daily high's were up in the mid-70s.
We can't complain though, being native Arizonans, it finally feels how January/February should feel.

(The trees seem to think it's already spring though).